June 19, 2020

Daily Archives

  • Spice up Your Weekend!

    Sometimes life can get monotonous, we end up having the same routine every single day. There is no excitement, there is no trying new things, there is no joy. We wake up at the same time and go to bed at the same time even on weekends, At some point, we must realize that life is not boring, it is up to us, it’s what we make out of it.

    It is good to change things up, to do things in different ways, to try new things, to change your hairstyle, to loosen up, to be sassy, etc. We cannot take life too seriously; so, today we want to encourage you to try something new and to spice up your weekend with Panela Ancient Cane and the recipe of the day, which is a …

    Strawberry – Panela


    • 3-4 cups strawberries ( hulled)
    • 10 packets of Panela Ancient Cane
    • ½ cup fresh lime juice
    • 1 cup tequila
    • ¼ cup Grand Marnier
    • Ice cubes
    • Salt (optional)


    Blend the strawberries, Panela, and lemon juice until puree.

    Add the tequila, Grand Marnier, and blend ( taste and adjust).

    Moisten the rims of the cups with a slice of lime and garnish with some panela or salt ( depending on your preference).

    Serve the Margaritas over ice and garnish with a lime/strawberry slice.

