Boost your Energy

If you are constantly looking for ways to boost your energy levels this post is right for you. A lack of energy can be linked directly to your daily habits, the quality and nutritional value of the foods you eat, the quality of your sleep, stress, dehydration, and underlying health conditions among others. Think about this for a moment, can you pinpoint what could possibly be affecting your energy levels? Is it your diet? A sedentary lifestyle? Stress? Once you find the culprit, come up with a plan to tackle your lack of energy and take action! If you think the cause of your lack of energy is something more concerning and you need to see a doctor, schedule that appointment already. Only you can give your body the love and TLC it deserves! Change your habits, change your lifestyle, change your mindset! You are worth it!

Some of the things you can do to boost your energy levels are: take cold showers, exercise, eat nutrient-dense foods, avoid ultra-processed foods, meditate, develop a bedtime routine, make sure you sleep at least 7 hours, drink plenty of water, drink tea, and drink coffee ( not too much though). We are no experts here, but we share what we know might help, and we do it with love and with the best intentions. For expert advice always contact your primary doctor or your health coach.

Coffee is an excellent energy booster, but a hot coffee on a summer day is not something to crave. That’s why the recipe of the day is a delicious Panela- Iced Latte! Why Panela? Because Panela is a delicious natural sweetener that contains minerals and vitamins, including b vitamins which can help boost energy!

Get busy and make a mouthwatering…

Panela-Iced Latte


  • Ground Coffee
  • Packets of Panela Ancient Cane
  • Coconut milk
  • Ice cubes


  • Make an espresso shot on your regular coffee maker (it’s very easy!)
  • Serve and add the Panela Packets ( as many as you like), and the ice cubes.
  • Mix thoroughly
  • Pour the coconut milk

Enjoy this delicious beverage which will cool you down and boost your energy instantly! Stay healthy!

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