Jul 31 2020 Ayurveda
Ayurveda is the ancient Hindu science of healing and rejuvenation that has been around for over 5,000 years. Etymologically, Āyur means life while Veda means sacred wisdom. The purpose of Ayurveda is to restore the balance of the mind and body through the use of herbal medicine, a proper diet, physical exercise, and meditation, among others.
The ancient Hindus had a clear knowledge of the role that plants play in treating and curing diseases while in the west we are just starting to really comprehend that it is whole foods, and not the ultra-processed food-like stuff we find in supermarkets isles, what truly provides our bodies with essential nutrients for life, for good health!
As we have mentioned in previous blogs, with every bite you take you are either healing your body and promoting health, or you are poisoning your body and promoting disease. Once we are aware of what’s at risk, it’s easier to follow a sustainable healthy diet.
The recipe of the day is an AyurvedicDetox Tea that is packed with pure goodness that your body craves! We used Panela Ancient Cane/ Jaggery powder to enhance the flavor and to add an extra nutritional punch! Learn more! Benefits
- 4 cups of water
- 3 bags of green tea
- 6 packets of Panela Ancient Cane = Jaggery powder
- Sliced turmeric
- Sliced ginger
- 1 tsp fennel seeds
- 1 tsp coriander seeds
- 1 tsp cumin seeds
- ½ tbsp freshly squeezed lemon/lime juice
- Boil the water.
- Simmer all the ingredients -except the Ancient cane and the lemon juice- for at least 5 minutes.
- Strain.
Add the Ancient Cane and the lemon juice. Stir and enjoy!
We want you to remember that building healthy lifelong eating habits is a choice you can make now and we want to challenge you to make it happen. Do you accept the challenge?
Jul 23 2020 Boost your Energy
If you are constantly looking for ways to boost your energy levels this post is right for you. A lack of energy can be linked directly to your daily habits, the quality and nutritional value of the foods you eat, the quality of your sleep, stress, dehydration, and underlying health conditions among others. Think about this for a moment, can you pinpoint what could possibly be affecting your energy levels? Is it your diet? A sedentary lifestyle? Stress? Once you find the culprit, come up with a plan to tackle your lack of energy and take action! If you think the cause of your lack of energy is something more concerning and you need to see a doctor, schedule that appointment already. Only you can give your body the love and TLC it deserves! Change your habits, change your lifestyle, change your mindset! You are worth it!
Some of the things you can do to boost your energy levels are: take cold showers, exercise, eat nutrient-dense foods, avoid ultra-processed foods, meditate, develop a bedtime routine, make sure you sleep at least 7 hours, drink plenty of water, drink tea, and drink coffee ( not too much though). We are no experts here, but we share what we know might help, and we do it with love and with the best intentions. For expert advice always contact your primary doctor or your health coach.
Coffee is an excellent energy booster, but a hot coffee on a summer day is not something to crave. That’s why the recipe of the day is a delicious Panela- Iced Latte! Why Panela? Because Panela is a delicious natural sweetener that contains minerals and vitamins, including b vitamins which can help boost energy!
Get busy and make a mouthwatering…
Panela-Iced Latte
- Ground Coffee
- Packets of Panela Ancient Cane
- Coconut milk
- Ice cubes
- Make an espresso shot on your regular coffee maker (it’s very easy!)
- Serve and add the Panela Packets ( as many as you like), and the ice cubes.
- Mix thoroughly
- Pour the coconut milk
Enjoy this delicious beverage which will cool you down and boost your energy instantly! Stay healthy!
Jul 10 2020 In-Season Foods
It’s farmer’s market best season and we love it! There is nothing like buying fresh produce straight from the farmer, you get to ask questions, and you get to know where your food is coming from in detail. In other words, you get a better connection with the food you get and consume. By the way, we want to share some news! If you live in Virginia, you can find us at the Community Farmer’s Market in Fairfax. We hope to see all our Virginian friends there, stop by our tent, say hi, and get all your goods! If you don’t live in the area, you can get our product through this website, and if you have questions feel free to contact us, we’d love to hear from you!
Did you know that eating seasonally adds great variety to your diet? It is believed that fruits and veggies that are picked in season are way more nutritious than those that aren’t. If you want to know which foods are in season here in DMV here’s a list: arugula, basil, beets cucumber, garlic, cabbage, carrots, melons, blueberries, and cherries (to name a few).
But because berries are our favorite fruits, the recipe of the day is a delicious and easy to make berries & chia seeds jam.
- 2 cups of organic berries
- 2 packets of Panela Ancient Cane
- 2 ½ tbsp organic chia seeds
- 1 tbsp lemon juice
- Place the pot over low medium heat and add the berries and the panela.
- Stir occasionally for a couple of minutes and lower the heat.
- Mash the berries with a fork, and add the lemon juice and the chia seeds.
- Stir often until thickened.
- Remove the pot from the heat and ladle the jam into a glass jar.
- Let it cool and store it in the fridge.
Jun 26 2020 Goodness in a Mug!
We hope everybody had an excellent and productive week. By the way, what do you think makes a good week? The planning? A positive attitude? Determination? discipline? Or is it all of the above and more? Reflecting on this can help you draw conclusions and prepare for the upcoming weeks, because there is always room for improvement, for better planning!
But for the time being, just enjoy the fact that it is Friday, time to wind down, to relax, and to do something good for yourself. Meditate, go for a walk in nature, get some sunlight, practice yoga, make some tea! Actually, ditch the tea because the recipe of the day is way better than tea…. It’s a powerhouse of goodness! It’s a golden latte!!!
- 1 cup unsweetened almond milk ( warm )
- ½ tbsp turmeric powder
- 1-2 packets of Panela Ancient Cane
- ½ tbsp coconut oil
- ¼ tsp vanilla extract
- ⅛ tsp ginger
- ⅛ tsp cinnamon
- A hint of black pepper
- Star anise ( to garnish – optional)
Blend the almond milk (warm) with the remaining ingredients (except the star anise). Grab your favorite mug, serve your golden latte and garnish with cinnamon and star anise. it’s that easy!!
Nourish your body, nourish your soul!
Jun 19 2020 Spice up Your Weekend!
Sometimes life can get monotonous, we end up having the same routine every single day. There is no excitement, there is no trying new things, there is no joy. We wake up at the same time and go to bed at the same time even on weekends, At some point, we must realize that life is not boring, it is up to us, it’s what we make out of it.
It is good to change things up, to do things in different ways, to try new things, to change your hairstyle, to loosen up, to be sassy, etc. We cannot take life too seriously; so, today we want to encourage you to try something new and to spice up your weekend with Panela Ancient Cane and the recipe of the day, which is a …
Strawberry – Panela
- 3-4 cups strawberries ( hulled)
- 10 packets of Panela Ancient Cane
- ½ cup fresh lime juice
- 1 cup tequila
- ¼ cup Grand Marnier
- Ice cubes
- Salt (optional)
Blend the strawberries, Panela, and lemon juice until puree.
Add the tequila, Grand Marnier, and blend ( taste and adjust).
Moisten the rims of the cups with a slice of lime and garnish with some panela or salt ( depending on your preference).
Serve the Margaritas over ice and garnish with a lime/strawberry slice.
Jun 12 2020 Are you ready for Summer?
Although all four seasons are beautiful, summer truly is the best one, it is the highlight of the year. And to celebrate this season, we want to share with you our favorite summer drinks with a healthy twist. We bet you are probably tired of drinking lemonade all summer long thinking it is the healthier option… No worries, we gotcha!
The recipe of the day is a Persian-style Cardamom – Rosewater iced tea with a Colombian twist… sounds good, huh?
Check out the main ingredients and their health benefits:
Cardamom is a spice with a lightly sweet flavor. It is packed with antioxidants, it’s anti-inflammatory, and it might help fight cancer. In addition, it has antibacterial effects, and it might help lower blood sugar levels.
Panela Ancient Cane is a natural sweetener derived from the panela cane plant. It contains vitamins, minerals, and antioxidants. Due to its nutrient content, Panela can help boost your energy levels.
Black Tea is a great source of antioxidants, and it may help lower bad cholesterol and high blood pressure. It improves focus while promoting the growth of good bacteria in your gut.
To get started you’ll need:
- 4 green cardamom pods
- 12 packets of Panela Ancient Cane
- 3 bags of black tea
- 3 cups of water
- 3 oz. rosewater
- ¾ heavy cream ( optional, or you could try almond milk instead)
- Ice cubes
Bring 3 cups of water to a boil, brew the tea, after a couple minutes add the cardamom pods, and the packets of panela. Let it steep, then remove the tea bags and the cardamon pods. Allow it to cool and add the rosewater, the ice cubes, and the heavy cream or almond milk (optional).
Enjoy it!
It’s pure goodness!!
Jun 05 2020 June is here!
Yay! June is here and we are thrilled about it!
2020 has been an interesting year so far, a year of changes, a year of challenges, and a year of confusion, to say the least. But let us remember, that it is in the midst of the chaos that we are forced to evolve, to grow, to think outside the box. Otherwise, we are complacent remaining in our comfort zone, which is boring, is retrogression, is where all dreams go to die. Indeed! Get out of there…
We want to encourage you to embrace these unprecedented times and make the best out of them, there is no other way, we must focus on the bright side! And so will we!
Spread love, get creative, smile, exercise, meditate, learn something new, help others, make better choices, sweeten with Panela Ancient Cane, and smile again! *Wink*
At Colfarmer, we are always looking forward to summertime, and this year is no exception. The warm weather and sunny days lift our spirits, and we get to share with you our favorite drink recipes for summer. The recipe of the day is a drink that is so delicious and refreshing it will lift your spirits too! Take note… it’s…
Panela-Citrus Thirst Quencher
All you need is:
- A glass of water
- Packets of Panela Ancient Cane
- 1 orange
- 1 lime or lemon
- Ice cubes
- Aromatic herb of your choice (optional)
Juice the lemon and the orange, combine both along with the water. Add as many packets of panela as you want, mix, add the ice cubes ( the more the merrier *wink*). Throw a couple of orange slices and add an aromatic herb (this is optional, but we recommend mint, rosemary, or basil).
Enjoy and have a beautiful sunny weekend!